Houses and Homes: Housing for Canadians |
Sewell, John.
1994 |
James Lorimer & Co.
Houses for All: The Struggle for Social Housing in Vancouver, 1919-50 |
Wade, Jill.
1994 |
UBC Press
Where Will They Live?: A Guide to Help You Help Your Parents with Their Housing Decision |
Carter, Barbara H.
2001 |
Stoddart Publishing
Domicide: The Global Destruction of Home |
Porteous, J. Douglas, and Sandra E. Smith.
2001 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Domicide: The Global Destruction of Home |
Porteous, J. Douglas, and Sandra E. Smith.
2001 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Peeking Through the Keyhole: The Evolution of North American Homes |
Friedman, Avi, and David Krawitz.
2002 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Making the Right Move: Housing Options for Seniors |
Telford, Gillian Eades.
2003 |
Self-Counsel Press
Collective Action and Radicalism in Brazil: Women, Urban Housing and Rural Movements |
Duquette, Michel, et al.
2005 |
University of Toronto Press
Home Girl: The Single Woman's Guide to Buying Real Estate in Canada. |
Bouw, Brenda.
2007 |
John Wiley & Sons Canada