Daniel Boone: Woodsman of Kentucky |
Zronik, John.
2006 |
Crabtree Publishing
Daniel Boone: Woodsman of Kentucky |
Zronik, John.
2006 |
Crabtree Publishing
Dear Editor and Friends: Letters from Rural Women of the North-West, 1900-1920 |
1998 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Dog Creek: A Place in the Cariboo |
Place, Hilary.
1999 |
Heritage House Publishing
Don't Shoot from the Saddle: Chronicles of a Frontier Surgeon |
Holley, D.A.
2000 |
Heritage House Publishing
Early in the Season: A British Columbia Journal |
Hoagland, Edward
2008 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Far Pastures |
Patterson, R.M.
2005 |
TouchWood Editions
Feasting on Misfortune: Journeys of the Human Spirit in Alberta's Past |
Jones, David C.
1998 |
University of Alberta Press
Five Pennies: A Prairie Boy's Story |
Morck, Irene.
1999 |
Fifth House
Footsteps in the Snow: The Red River Diary of Isobel Scott, Rupert's Land, 1815 |
Matas, Carol.
2002 |
Scholastic Canada
Fort Steele: Gold Rush to Boom Town |
Miller, Naomi.
2002 |
Heritage House Publishing
From War to Wilderness |
Shelford, Cyril.
1997 |
Shelford Publishing
Frontier Cattle Ranching in the Land and Times of Charlie Russell |
Elofson, W.M.
2004 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Game in the Garden: A Human History of Wildlife in Western Canada to 1940 |
Colpitts, George.
2002 |
UBC Press
Gold Rush |
Wilson, Ian.
1996 |
Gordon Soules Book Publishers
Gully Farm: A Story of Homesteading on the Canadian Prairies |
Hiemstra, Mary.
1997 |
Fifth House
Harmon's Journal, 1800–1819. |
Harmon, Daniel Williams.
2006 |
TouchWood Editions
History and Happenings in the Cariboo-Chilcotin: Pioneer Memories |
Stangoe, Irene.
2000 |
Heritage House Publishing
Hobnobbing with a Countess and Other Okanagan Adventures: The Diaries of Alice Barrett Parke, 1891-1900 |
Parke, Alice Barrett.
2001 |
UBC Press
Home Crafts |
Kalman, Bobbie.
1990 |
Crabtree Publishing
Home Crafts |
Kalman, Bobbie.
1990 |
Crabtree Publishing
Homes of the West |
Kalman, Bobbie.
1999 |
Crabtree Publishing
Homes of the West |
Kalman, Bobbie.
1999 |
Crabtree Publishing
I Bless You in My Heart: Selected Correspondence of Catharine Parr Traill |
Traill, Catharine Parr.
1996 |
University of Toronto Press
I Married the Klondike |
Berton, Laura.
2005 |
Harbour Publishing