Search Results

43 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Johnson, William. 1994 Robert Davies Publishing
Blakeney, Allan. 2008 University of Toronto Press
2002 Canadian Plains Research Center
Schnurmacher. Thomas. 1996 ECW Press
1997 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
1997 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
1999 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
1999 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
2004 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
2004 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
2006 University of Toronto Press
Freeman, Alan, and Patrick Grady. 1995 HarperCollins Canada
1998 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
1998 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Stevenson, Garth. 1997 McGill-Queen's University Press
Stevenson, Garth. 1997 McGill-Queen's University Press
Smith, Jennifer. 2004 UBC Press
1994 University of Calgary Press
2003 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Schwartz, Bryan. 1998 Detselig Enterprises
2004 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
2004 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
1997 Canadian Plains Research Center
Tomblin, Stephen G. 1995 James Lorimer & Co.
Tomblin, Stephen G. 1995 James Lorimer & Co.