A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics |
1999 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
A Merciful End: The Euthanasia Movement in Modern America |
Dowbiggin, Ian.
2003 |
Oxford University Press Canada
A Question of Ethics: Canadians Speak Out |
Mancuso, Maureen, et al.
1998 |
Oxford University Press Canada
Animal Welfare and Human Values |
Preece, Rod, and Lorna Chamberlain.
1993 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Animals and Ethics |
Taylor, Angus.
2003 |
Broadview Press
Animals and Nature: Cultural Myths, Cultural Realities |
Preece, Rod.
1999 |
UBC Press
Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb: A Chronicle of Sensibility to Animals |
Preece, Rod.
2002 |
UBC Press
Bedside Manners: Sex Etiquette Made Easy |
Vogels, Josey.
2004 |
HarperCollins Publishers
Beyond the Hippocratic Oath: A Memoir on the Rise of Modern Medical Ethics |
Dossetor, John B.
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University of Alberta Press
Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge |
Shiva, Vandana.
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Between the Lines
Blood Relations: Animals, Humans, and Politics |
Montgomery, Charlotte.
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Between the Lines
Brute Souls, Happy Beasts, and Evolution: The Historical Status of Animals |
Preece, Rod.
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UBC Press
Can We Be Good Without God?: Behaviour, Belonging and the Need to Believe |
Buckman, Robert.
2000 |
Penguin Books Canada
Christian Perspectives on Bioethics: Religious Values and Public Policy in a Pluralistic Society |
Williams, John R.
1997 |
Clothed in Integrity: Weaving Just Cultural Relations and the Garment Industry |
Paleczny, Barbara.
2000 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Corporate Integrity: A Toolkit for Managing Beyond Compliance |
Kennedy-Glans, Donna, and Bob Schulz.
2005 |
John Wiley & Sons Canada
Deadlines and Diversity: Journalism Ethics in a Changing World |
1996 |
Fernwood Publishing
Death by Prescription: A Father Takes on His Daughter's Killer - The Multi-Billion-Dollar Pharmaceutical Industry |
Young, Terence H
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Key Porter Books
Death Talk: The Case Against Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide |
Somerville, Margaret.
2001 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Death Talk: The Case Against Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide |
Somerville, Margaret.
2001 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Dialogues with Plato |
1997 |
Academic Printing and Publishing
Dialogues with Plato |
1997 |
Academic Printing and Publishing
Doing Right: A Practical Guide to Ethics for Medical Trainees and Physicians |
Hébert, Philip C.
1996 |
Oxford University Press Canada
Ethical Issues in Community-Based Research with Children and Youth |
2006 |
University of Toronto Press
Ethical Issues in Community-Based Research with Children and Youth |
2006 |
University of Toronto Press