American Indian Pottery |
Wirt, Sharon
1984 |
Hancock House
Antique Showcase Directory, 1996-97: A Guide to Antique Shops of Ontario |
1996 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Buttons of the Canadian Militia, Army, Naval and Air Forces, 1900-1990 |
Smylie, Eric.
1995 |
Vanwell Publishing
Canada Post Official First Day Covers |
Chung, Andrew, and R.F. Narbonne.
1996 |
Unitrade Press
Canadian Country Furniture, 1675-1950 |
Bird, Michael S.
1994 |
Stoddart Publishing
Canadian War Service Badges, 1914-1954 |
Johnson, Robbie.
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Johnson Books
Canfake: An Expert's Guide to the Tricks of the Canadian Antiques Trade |
Webster, Donald.
1997 |
McClelland & Stewart
Captured Heritage: The Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts |
Cole, Douglas
1985 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Classic Quilts |
McKendry, Ruth.
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Key Porter Books
Coin Count-y: A Bank in a Book |
1999 |
Raincoast Books
Coins of Canada |
Haxby, J.A., and R.C. Willey.
1994 |
Unitrade Press
Collect the Millennium 25-Cent Coins |
Mahaney, Laura.
2000 |
Scholastic Canada
Corn Flower: Creatively Canadian |
Townsend, Wayne.
2001 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Decoys: A Celebration of Contemporary Wildfowl Carving |
Sparks, Ernie, and Laurel Aziz.
1994 |
Camden House Publishing
Dolls |
Sayers, Ivan W.
1983 |
Vancouver Museum
Fans |
Mayer, Carol E.
1983 |
Vancouver Museum
Free Stuff for Kids, 15th ed. |
1997 |
Stoddart Publishing
Free Stuff for Kids. 12th ed. |
1994 |
Stoddart Publishing
Free Stuff for Kids. 13th ed. |
1995 |
Stoddart Publishing
Get Started: Stamp Collecting for Canadian Kids |
MacLeod, Elizabeth.
1996 |
Kids Can Press
Glass Beads: The Levin Catalogue of Mid-19th Century Beads, a Sample Book of 19th Century Venetian Beads, Guide to the Description and Classification of Glass Beads |
Karklins, Karlis
1985 |
National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada
Glass in Canada: The First One Hundred Years |
Stevens, Gerald
1982 |
Methuen Publications
Gunshield Graffiti |
Lynch, Thomas G., and James B. Lamb
1984 |
Nimbus Publishing
Home Base |
Peers, Judi.
1991 |
General Publishing
Jugs & Crocks of the Guelph Merchants |
Blyth, Joyce
1982 |
Boston Mills Press