Search Results

64 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Goodtrack, Kim Soo. 1993 Theytus Books
Ames, Mel D. 1993 Mosaic Press
Wesley, James. 1993 Highway Book Shop
Eyvindson, Peter. 1993 Pemmican Publications
1993 Nightwood Editions
1993 Nightwood Editions
Lazarus, Sandus. 1993 Highway Book Shop
Noah, Irene. 1993 Highway Book Shop
Wynne, Tina. 1993 Highway Book Shop
McLellan, Joe. 1993 Pemmican Publications
Oliviero, Jamie. 1993 Hyperion Press
Taylor, C.J. 1993 Tundra Books
Taylor, C.J. 1993 Tundra Books
Owens, Della. 1994 Twin Sisters Publishing
Davis, Sr., Madeline. 1994 Twin Sisters Publishing
Bird, Catherine. 1994 Yinka Dene Language Institute
Bird, Catherine. 1994 Yinka Dene Language Institute
Caduto, Michael J., and Joseph Bruchac. 1994 Fifth House Publishers
Bird, Catherine. 1994 Yinka Dene Language Institute
Bird, Catherine. 1994 Yinka Dene Language Institute
Ballantyne, Bill. 1994 Blizzard Publishing
Ballantyne, Bill. 1994 Blizzard Publishing
1994 Key Porter Books
Caduto, Michael J., and Joseph Bruchac. 1994 Fifth House Publishers
Marston, Sharyn. 1994 Pemmican Publications