Search Results

64 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
McLellan, Joseph. 1994 Pemmican Publications
Plain, Ferguson. 1994 Pemmican Publications
Taylor, C.J. 1994 Tundra Books
1994 Highway Book Shop
Johnston, Basil. 1995 Key Porter Books
1995 Theytus Books
Oliviero, Jamie. 1995 Hyperion Press
Challenger, Robert James. 1995 Heritage House Publishing
McLerran, Alice. 1995 Stoddart Publishing
Buchholz, Kate. 1995 Pemmican Publications
McLellan, Joe. 1995 Pemmican Publications
Prince, Louis Billy. 1996 Yinka Dene Language Institute
1996 Groundwood Books
Steltzer, Ulli. 1997 Douglas & McIntyre
White, Ellen. 1997 Theytus Books
Taylor, C.J. 1997 Tundra Books
McLellan, Joseph, and Matrine McLellan. 1997 Pemmican Publications
McClellan, Joseph, and Matrine McClellan. 1998 Pemmican Publications
Morin, Paul. 1998 Stoddart Publishing
Pielle, Sue, with Anne Cameron. 1998 Harbour Publishing
Bringhurst, Robert. 1999 Douglas & McIntyre
Joe, Donna. 1999 Nightwood Editions
Montejo, Victor. 1999 Groundwood Books
Wyatt, Gary R. 2000 Douglas & McIntyre
Watts, E.M. 2001 Saxon House Canada