Instruments of Murder |
Haines, Max.
2005 |
Penguin Books Canada
The Collected Works of Max Haines, Vol. 5: 1996–1999 |
Haines, Max.
2005 |
Penguin Books Canada
Paroled for Life: Interviews with Parolees Serving Life Sentences |
Murphy, P.J., Loyd Johnsen, and Jennifer Murphy.
2002 |
New Star Books
Trials and Errors: The People vs Brian Gordon Jack |
Montgomery, John D.
2001 |
J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing
Dead Man in Paradise |
MacKinnon, J.B.
2005 |
Douglas & McIntyre
When Children Kill: A Social-Psychological Study of Youth Homicide |
Kelly, Katharine D., and Mark D. Totten.
2002 |
Broadview Press
Toronto Murders: Mysteries, Crime, and Scandals |
McNicoll, Susan.
2005 |
Altitude Publishing Canada