Wartime DilemmasImages, Peacetime Wounds: The Media and the Gustafsen Lake Standoff |
Lambertus, Sandra.
2004 |
University of Toronto Press
Shades of Black: Conrad Black—His Rise and Fall |
Siklos, Richard.
2004 |
McClelland & Stewart
Ego and Ink: The Inside Story of Canada's National Newspaper War |
Cobb, Chris.
2004 |
McClelland & Stewart
History of the Book in Canada, Vol. 1: Beginnings to 1840 |
2004 |
University of Toronto Press
The Invention of Journalism Ethics: The Path to Objectivity and Beyond |
Ward, Stephen J.A.
2004 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
High River and the Times: An Alberta Community and Its Weekly Newspaper, 1905–1966 |
Voisey, Paul.
2004 |
University of Alberta Press
Scholarly Journals in the New Digital World |
Boismenu, Gérard, and Guylaine Beaudry.
2004 |
University of Calgary Press
Wartime DilemmasImages, Peacetime Wounds: The Media and the Gustafsen Lake Standoff |
Lambertus, Sandra.
2004 |
University of Toronto Press
The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media |
Steven, Peter.
2004 |
Between the Lines
Weapons of Mass Persuasion: Marketing the War Against Iraq |
Rutherford, Paul.
2004 |
University of Toronto Press
Arresting Images: Crime and Policing in Front of the Television Camera |
Doyle, Aaron.
2003 |
University of Toronto Press
Hidden Agendas: How Journalists Influence the News |
Miljan, Lydia, and Barry Cooper.
2003 |
UBC Press
How Canadians Communicate |
2003 |
University of Calgary Press
Original Minds: Conversations with CBC Radio's Eleanor Wachtel |
Wachtel, Eleanor.
2003 |
HarperCollins Publishers
Hidden Agendas: How Journalists Influence the News |
Miljan, Lydia, and Barry Cooper.
2003 |
UBC Press
A Brief History of «GAY»: Canada's First Gay Tabloid, 1964–1966 |
McLeod, Donald W.
2003 |
Homewood Books
The Perilous Trade: Publishing Canada's Writers |
MacSkimming, Roy.
2003 |
McClelland & Stewart
Getting What You Deserve: The Adventures of Goldhawk Fights Back |
Goldhawk, Dale.
2003 |
Dundurn Press
Arresting Images: Crime and Policing in Front of the Television Camera |
Doyle, Aaron.
2003 |
University of Toronto Press
Fateful Passages: The Life of Henry Somerville, Catholic Journalist |
Sinasac, Joseph.
2003 |
Memoirs of a Media Maverick |
Richardson, Boyce.
2003 |
Between the Lines
The Montreal Massacre: A Story of Membership Categorization Analysis |
Eglin, Peter, and Stephen Hester.
2003 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Discourses of Domination: Racial Bias in the Canadian English-Language Press |
Henry, Frances, and Carol Tator.
2002 |
University of Toronto Press
Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada |
Soroka, Stuart N.
2002 |
UBC Press
Ambushed: A War Reporter's Life on the Line |
Stewart, Ian.
2002 |
Penguin Books Canada