Two Houses Half-Buried in Sand: Oral Traditions of the Hul'q'umi'num' Coast Salish of Kuper Island and Vancouver Island. |
Cryer, Beryl Mildred.
2007 |
Tsimshian Treasures: The Remarkable Journey of the Dundas Collection. |
2007 |
Douglas & McIntyre
The Origin of the Wolf Ritual: The Whaling Indians West Coast Legends and Stories, Part 12 of the Sapir—Thomas Nootka Texts. |
2007 |
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Recording Their Story: James Teit and the Tahltan. |
Thompson, Judy.
2007 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Be of Good Mind: Essays on the Coast Salish. |
2007 |
UBC Press
Aboriginal Health in Canada: Historical, Cultural, and Epidemiological Perspectives. 2nd ed. |
Waldram, James B., D. Ann Herring,a nd T. Kue Young.
2006 |
University of Toronto Press
Essays on Northeastern North America: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. |
Reid, John G., with contributions by Emerson W. Baker.
2008 |
University of Toronto Press
Where the Pavement Ends: Canada's Aboriginal Recovery Movement and the Urgent Need for Reconciliation. |
Wadden, Marie.
2008 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Outside Looking In: Viewing First Nations Peoples in Canadian Dramatic Television Series. |
Miller, Mary Jane,
2008 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
The New Buffalo: The Struggle for Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education in Canada. |
Stonechild, Blair.
2006 |
University of Manitoba Press
First Nations Teachers: Identity and Community, Struggle and Change. |
Beynon, June.
2008 |
Detselig Enterprises
In the Days of Our Grandmothers: A Reader in Aboriginal Women's History in Canada. |
2006 |
University of Toronto Press
They Call Me Chief: Warriors on Ice. |
Marks, Don.
2008 |
J. Gordon Shillingford
The Cypress Hills: An Island by Itself. |
Hildebrandt, Walter, and Brian Hubner.
2007 |
Purich Publishing
Taking Back Our Spirits: Indigenous Literature, Public Policy, and Healing. |
Episkenew, Jo-Ann.
2009 |
University of Manitoba Press
Shin-chi's Canoe. |
Campbell, Nicola I.
2008 |
Groundwood Books
Healing Traditions: The Mental Health of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. |
2009 |
UBC Press
First Nations, First Thoughts: The Impact of Indigenous Thought in Canada. |
2009 |
UBC Press
Finding Dahshaa: Self-Government, Social Suffering, and Aboriginal Policy in Canada. |
Irlbacher-Fox, Stephanie.
2009 |
UBC Press
Compact, Contract, Covenant: Aboriginal Treaty-Making in Canada. |
Miller, J.R.
2009 |
University of Toronto Press
How the Eagle Got His White Head |
Chartrand, Jane.
2002 |
Pemmican Publications
Nations of the Eastern Great Lakes |
Kalman, Bobbie, and Rebecca Sjonger.
2005 |
Crabtree Publishing
Life of the Powhatan |
Kalman, Bobbie, and Rebecca Sjonger.
2005 |
Crabtree Publishing
Life in the Far North |
Kalman, Bobbie, and Rebecca Sjonger.
2005 |
Crabtree Publishing
Life of the California Coast Nations |
Kalman, Bobbie, and Molly Aloian.
2005 |
Crabtree Publishing