A Poke in the Public Eye: Media Manipulation for Aspiring Politicians and Other Undesirables |
Climenhaga, David J.
1995 |
Detselig Enterprises
A Politics of Sorrow: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia |
Ljubisic, Davorka.
2004 |
Black Rose Books
A Politics of Sorrow: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia |
Ljubisic, Davorka.
2004 |
Black Rose Books
A Poppy Is to Remember |
Patterson, Heather.
2004 |
Scholastic Canada
A Portrait by Myfanwy |
Lindberg, Ted.
1991 |
Sono Nis Press
A Portrait of the Artist as Australian: L'Oeuvre bizarre de Barry Humphries |
St. Pierre, Paul Matthew.
2004 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
A Portrait of the Artist: Ernest Buckler's «The Mountain and the Valley» |
Pell, Barbara Helen.
1995 |
ECW Press
A Portrait of Vancouver Island |
Cheadle, Chris.
1998 |
Altitude Publishing Canada
A Possible Landscape |
Harris, Maureen.
1993 |
Brick Books
A Postmodern Revelation: Signs of Astrology and the Apocalypse |
Chevalier, Jacques M.
1997 |
University of Toronto Press
A Postmodern Revelation: Signs of Astrology and the Apocalypse |
Chevalier, Jacques M.
1997 |
University of Toronto Press
A Practical Guide to Financial Management: Tips and Techniques for the Non-Financial Manager |
Coltman, Michael M.
1984 |
International Self-Counsel Press
A Practical Heiltsuk-English Dictionary with a Grammatical Introduction |
Rath, John C.
1981 |
National Museums of Canada
A Prairie Alphabet |
Bannatyne-Cugnet, Jo.
1992 |
Tundra Books
A Prairie as Wide as the Sea: The Immigrant Diary of Ivy Weatherall |
Ellis, Sarah.
2001 |
Scholastic Canada
A Prairie Coulee |
Willock, Tom.
1990 |
Lone Pine Publishing
A Prairie Guide to Feeding Winter Birds |
Waldon, Bob.
1990 |
Western Producer Prairie Books
A Prairie Memoir: The Life and Times of James Clinkskill, 1853–1936 |
Clinkskill, James.
2003 |
Canadian Plains Research Center
A Prairie Year |
Bannatyne-Cugnet, Jo.
1994 |
Tundra Books
A Present for Mrs. Kazinski |
Reynolds, Marilynn.
2001 |
Orca Book Publishers
A Present for Mrs. Kazinski |
Reynolds, Marilynn.
2001 |
Orca Book Publishers
A Primer of Fly-Fishing |
Haig-Brown, Roderick
1982 |
Douglas & McIntyre
A Prince Edward Island Album: Glimpses of the Way We Were |
Watson, Julie V.
1987 |
Hounslow Press
A Prince Edward Island Christmas: Nowadays and Long Ago |
Kessler, Deirdre.
2003 |
Nimbus Publishing
A Private House. |
Hyde, Anthony.
2007 |
Penguin Books Canada