Scottish Symphony |
Ruetz, Michael
1985 |
McClelland & Stewart
Canada, the Missing Years: The Lost Images of Our Heritage, 1895-1924 |
Pierce, Patricia
1985 |
Photography & the Art of Seeing |
Patterson, Freeman
1985 |
Key Porter Books
Prairie Light |
Milne, Courtney
1985 |
Western Producer Prairie Books
Toronto Architecture: A City Guide |
McHugh, Patricia
1985 |
Mercury Books
Illustrated News: Juliana Horatia Ewing's Canadian Pictures 1867-1869 |
McDonald, Donna
1985 |
Dundurn Press
Folk Treasures of Historic Ontario |
Kobayashi, Terry, Michael Bird, and Elizabeth Price
1985 |
Dundurn Press
A Fur Trader's Photographs: A.A. Chesterfield in the District of Ungava, 1901-4 |
James, William C.
1985 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Heart of the Rockies |
1984 |
Altitude Publishing Canada
Barns of Western Canada: An Illustrated Century |
Hainstock, Bob
1985 |
Braemar Books
Stones, Bricks, and History: The Corner of "Duke & George" 1798-1984; The North-East Corner of Adelaide Street East and George Street, Toronto |
Godfrey, Sheldon, and Judy Godfrey
1984 |
Lester & Orpen Dennys
Gathie Falk Paintings 1978-1984 |
Falk, Gathie
1985 |
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
A Day in the Life of Japan |
1985 |
A Day in the Life of Canada |
1984 |
British Columbia Women Artists, 1885-1985: An Exhibition Organized by Nicholas Tuele at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria |
1985 |
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Kenojuak |
Blodgett, Jean
1985 |
Firefly Books
The Romance of Architecture |
Beny, Roloff
1985 |
McClelland & Stewart
A Mind's Eye |
Balch, R.E.
1985 |
Fiddlehead Poetry Books and Goose Lane Editions
An Atlantic Album: Photographs of the Atlantic Provinces, before 1920 |
1985 |
Nimbus Publishing
Looking for Trouble: A Journalist's Life... and Then Some |
Worthington, Peter
1984 |
Key Porter Books
The Lougheed Legacy |
Wood, David G.
1985 |
Key Porter Books
Charles de Salaberry: Soldier of the Empire, Defender of Quebec |
Wohler, J. Patrick
1984 |
Dundurn Press
Deny, Deny, Deny: The Rise and Fall of Colin Thatcher |
Wilson, Garrett, and Lesley Wilson
1985 |
James Lorimer & Co.
Carl Rungius: Painter of the Western Wilderness |
Whyte, Jon, and E.J. Hart
1985 |
Douglas & McIntyre in association with The Glenbow-Alberta Institute
The Man from Halifax: Sir John Thompson, Prime Minister |
Waite, P.B.
1985 |
University of Toronto Press