When We Both Got to Heaven: James Atkey Among the Anishnabek at Colpoy's Bay |
Atkey, Mel.
2002 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
From Burleigh to Boschink: A Community Called Stony Lake |
Bentham, Christie and Kathy Hooke
2000 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Opportunity Road: Yonge Street 1860-1939 |
Berchem, F.R.
1996 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
The Yonge Street Story, 1793-1860 |
Berchem, F.R.
1996 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Eldorado: Ontario's First Gold Rush |
Boyce, Gerry.
1992 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
The Mazinaw Experience: Bon Echo and Beyond |
Campbell, John.
2000 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
"A Very Fine Class of Immigrants": Prince Edward Island's Scottish Pioneers, 1770-1850 |
Campey, Lucille H.
2001 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
"Fast Sailing and Copper-Bottomed": Aberdeen Sailing Ships and the Emigrant Scots They Carried to Canada, 1774-1855 |
Campey, Lucille H.
2002 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
The Silver Chief: Lord Selkirk and the Scottish Pioneers of Belfast, Baldoon and Red River |
Campey, Lucille H.
2003 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
I Saw Santa |
Carey-Thompson, Thelma.
1993 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
The Scots Kirk |
Chadwick, Andrew, Bruce McCowan, and Nancy McCowan.
1997 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Reptiles and Amphibians of Prince Edward County, Ontario |
Christie, Peter.
1997 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Turning Points: The Detroit Riot of 1967, a Canadian Perspective |
Colling, Herb.
2003 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
"A Mill Should Be Built Thereon": An Early History of the Todmorden Mills |
Darke, Eleanor.
1995 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Call Me True: A Biography of True Davidson |
Darke, Eleanor.
1997 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Redpath: The History of a Sugar House |
Feltoe, Richard.
1992 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Canoeing a Continent: On the Trail of Alexander Mackenzie |
Finkelstein, Max.
2002 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
The Year Is a Circle: A Celebration of Henry David Thoreau |
Friesen, Victor Carl.
1995 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
The Rouge River Valley: An Urban Wilderness |
Garratt, James E.
2000 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Vanished Villages of Middlesex |
Grainger, Jennifer.
2002 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
The Old Log School. Rev. ed. |
Green, Gavin Hamilton.
1992 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Shooting Paddlers: Photographic Adventures with Canoeists, Kayakers and Rafters |
Harting, Toni.
2000 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Steeped in Tradition: A Celebration of Tea |
Hoffman, Frances.
1997 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Foundations of Faith: Historic Religious Buildings of Ontario |
Holroyd, Violet M.
1991 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Daybreak at The Ridge |
Homan, Beulah.
1991 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History