Deadlines and Diversity: Journalism Ethics in a Changing World |
1996 |
Fernwood Publishing
Differing Visions: Administering Indian Residential Schooling in Prince Albert, 1867-1995 |
Dyck, Noel.
1997 |
Fernwood Publishing
Dismantling a Nation: Canada and the New World Order |
McBride, Stephen.
1993 |
Fernwood Publishing
Dismantling a Nation: The Transition to Corporate Rule in Canada |
McBride, Stephen, and John Shields.
1997 |
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Divorce and Disengagement: Patterns of Fatherhood Within and Beyond Marriage |
Kruk, Edward.
1993 |
Fernwood Publishing
Efficiency Versus Equality: Health Reform in Canada |
1996 |
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Feminism and Families: Critical Policies and Changing Practices |
1997 |
Fernwood Publishing
Fight Back: Workplace Justice for Immigrants. |
Choudry, Aziz, Jill Hanley, Steve Jordan, Eric Shragge, and Martha Steigman.
2009 |
Fernwood Publishing
Glass Houses: Saving Feminist Anti-Violence Agencies from Self-Destruction. |
Adams, Rebekkah.
2008 |
Fernwood Publishing
Global Justice, Global Democracy |
Drydyk, Jay, and Peter Penz.
1997 |
Fernwood Publishing
Guantánamo North: Terrorism and the Administration of Justice in Canada. |
Diab, Robert.
2008 |
Fernwood Publishing
Health Care. |
Armstrong, Pat, and Hugh Armstrong.
2008 |
Fernwood Publishing
Immigration and the Legalization of Racism |
Jakubowski, Lisa Marie.
1997 |
Fernwood Publishing
In the Other Room: Entering the Culture of Motherhood. |
Nelson, Fiona.
2009 |
Fernwood Publishing
Limited Edition: Voices of Women, Voices of Feminism |
1993 |
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Maid in the Market: Women's Paid Domestic Labour |
1994 |
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Manufacturing Guilt: Wrongful Convictions in Canada |
Anderson, Barrie, with Dawn Anderson.
1998 |
Fernwood Publishing
Marketing Place: Cultural Politics, Regionalism, and Reading |
Kelly, Ursula.
1993 |
Fernwood Publishing
Mobilizations, Protests, and Engagements: Canadian Perspectives on Social Movements. |
2008 |
Fernwood Publishing
More Perishable than Lettuce or Tomatoes: Labour Law Reform and Toronto's Newspapers |
Silva, Edward.
1995 |
Fernwood Publishing
Muriel Duckworth: A Very Active Pacifist |
Kerans, Marion Douglas.
1996 |
Fernwood Publishing
Names, Numbers, and Northern Policy: Inuit, Project Surname, and the Politics of Identity |
Alia, Valerie.
1994 |
Fernwood Publishing
No Going Back: Women as University Students |
Campbell, Patricia.
1993 |
Fernwood Publishing
Open for Business/Closed to People: Mike Harris's Ontario |
1997 |
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Our Board Our Business: Why Farmers Support the Canadian Wheat Board |
2009 |
Fernwood Publishing