Some Day Soon: Essays on Canadian Songwriters |
Fetherling, Douglas.
1991 |
Quarry Press
The Rise of the Canadian Newspaper |
Fetherling, Douglas.
1990 |
Oxford University Press Canada
The File on Arthur Moss |
Fetherling, Douglas.
1994 |
Lester Publishing
Travels by Night: A Memoir of the Sixties |
Fetherling, Douglas.
1994 |
Lester Publishing
The Other China: Journeys Around Taiwan |
Fetherling, Douglas.
1995 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
Way Down Deep in the Belly of the Beast: A Memoir of the Seventies |
Fetherling, Douglas.
1996 |
Lester Publishing
The Gentle Anarchist: A Life of George Woodcock |
Fetherling, Douglas.
1998 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Selected Poems |
Fetherling, Douglas.
1994 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
Madagascar: Poems and Translations |
Fetherling, Douglas.
1999 |
Black Moss Press