Search Results

79 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Black, Errol, and Tom Mitchell. 2000 Canadian Committee on Labour History
Gonick, Cy. 2001 Canadian Committee on Labour History
Byrne, T.C. 1991 Detselig Enterprises
Waiser, Bill. 2003 Fifth House
Boyens, Ingeborg. 2001 Penguin Books Canada
Hainstock, Bob. 1998 Fifth House
Melnyk, George. 1993 Detselig Enterprises
Endicott, Stephen L. 2002 University of Toronto Press
Endicott, Stephen L. 2002 University of Toronto Press
Phillips, David. 1998 Key Porter Books
Wetherell, Donald G. 1993 Fifth House
1984 Langdale Press
Payton, B.A., 2000 Douglas & McIntyre
Isern, Thomas D. 1982 Western Producer Prairie Books
1991 Fifth House
Wells, Oliver. 2003 Harbour Publishing
Greenhill, Pauline. 1994 McGill-Queen's University Press
Gibson, James R. 1985 University of British Columbia Press
Taylor, Jeffery. 1994 Canadian Plains Research Center
1995 Reidmore Books
Thomas, Morley. 1996 ECW Press
Friesen, Victor Carl. 2004 Fifth House
Elofson, W.M. 2004 McGill-Queen's University Press
1997 The Fraser Institute
Christianson, Gale E. 1999 Douglas & McIntyre