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Passage to the Sea: The Story of Canada Steamship Lines |
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University of Toronto Press
Religion and Public Life in Canada: Historical and Comparative Perspectives |
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Rethinking Church, State, and Modernity: Canada Between Europe and America |
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University of Toronto Press
Rethinking Church, State, and Modernity: Canada Between Europe and America |
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Western Producer Prairie Books
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Marshall, David B.
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University of Toronto Press
Secularizing the Faith: Canadian Protestant Clergy and the Crisis of Belief, 1850-1940 |
Marshall, David B.
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University of Toronto Press
Seeds in the Wilderness: Profiles of World Religious Leaders |
Gervais, G.H.
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Quarry Press
Sentimental Journey: An Oral History of Train Travel in Canada |
Ferguson, Ted
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Doubleday Canada
St Paul's in the Grand Parade, 1749-1999 |
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Formac Publishing Company
Steam on the Kettle Valley: A Railway Heritage Remembered |
Turner, Robert D.
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Sono Nis Press
The Coast Connection |
Harvey, R.G.
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Oolichan Books
The Holocaust, Israel, and Canadian Protestant Churches |
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McGill-Queen's University Press
The Mennonites: A Biographical Sketch |
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Phaidon Press
The Mennonites: A Pictorial History of Their Lives in Canada |
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Douglas & McIntyre
The Methodist Church on the Prairies, 1896-1914 |
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McGill-Queen's University Press
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The Prairie Builder: Walkter Murray of Saskatchewan |
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