Search Results

103 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Greco, Heidi. 2002 Anvil Press
Hall, Phil. 2005 Brick Books
Harris, Sharon. 2006 Mercury Press
Hayward, Amber. 2007 EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
Hazelton, Hugh. 2003 Broken Jaw Press
Holden, Clive. 2002 DC Books
Holden, Clive. 2002 DC Books
Hsu, Ray. 2004 Nightwood Editions
Huff, Tanya. 2005 Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
Justice, Daniel Health. 2005 Kegedonce Press
Karasick, Adeena. 2009 Talonbooks
Kilian, Crawford. 2007 Self-Counsel Press
King, Lyn. 2002 Brick Books
Kroetsch, Robert. 2004 Red Deer Press
Lamothe, Serge. 2006 Talonbooks
Mancini, Donato. 2007 New Star Books
Mancuso, Nick. 2006 Guernica Editions
Maslan, Danita. 2005 Red Deer Press
McCarthy, Julia. 2002 Wolsak and Wynn
McGimpsey, David. 2004 Insomniac Press
McLennan, Rob. 2009 Talonbooks
Melnyk, George. 2003 University of Alberta Press
Mierau, Maurice. 2002 Brick Books
New, W.H. 2004 Oolichan Books
Noble, Charles. 2007 University of Calgary Press