Rattlesnake Plantain |
Greco, Heidi.
2002 |
Anvil Press
An Oak Hunch |
Hall, Phil.
2005 |
Brick Books
Avatar |
Harris, Sharon.
2006 |
Mercury Press
Darkness of the God. |
Hayward, Amber.
2007 |
EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
antimatter |
Hazelton, Hugh.
2003 |
Broken Jaw Press
Trains of Winnipeg |
Holden, Clive.
2002 |
DC Books
Trains of Winnipeg |
Holden, Clive.
2002 |
DC Books
Anthropy Poems |
Hsu, Ray.
2004 |
Nightwood Editions
Stealing Magic |
Huff, Tanya.
2005 |
Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
Kynship, Book 1: The Way of Thorn and Thunder |
Justice, Daniel Health.
2005 |
Kegedonce Press
Amuse Bouche. |
Karasick, Adeena.
2009 |
Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy. 2nd ed. |
Kilian, Crawford.
2007 |
Self-Counsel Press
Walking into the Night Sky |
King, Lyn.
2002 |
Brick Books
Seed Catalogue: A Poem |
Kroetsch, Robert.
2004 |
Red Deer Press
The Baldwins |
Lamothe, Serge.
2006 |
thel. |
Mancini, Donato.
2007 |
New Star Books
Mediterranean Men |
Mancuso, Nick.
2006 |
Guernica Editions
Rogue Harvest |
Maslan, Danita.
2005 |
Red Deer Press
Stormthrower |
McCarthy, Julia.
2002 |
Wolsak and Wynn
Certifiable |
McGimpsey, David.
2004 |
Insomniac Press
Gifts. |
McLennan, Rob.
2009 |
Poetics of Naming |
Melnyk, George.
2003 |
University of Alberta Press
Ending with Music |
Mierau, Maurice.
2002 |
Brick Books
Underwood Log |
New, W.H.
2004 |
Oolichan Books
Death Drive Through Gaia Paris. |
Noble, Charles.
2007 |
University of Calgary Press