Sharon, Lois and Bram Sing A to Z |
Hampson, Sharon, Lois Lilienstein, and Bram Morrison.
1991 |
Groundwood Books
The Family of Stories: An Anthology of Children's Literature |
1986 |
Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada
More Tales from the Igloo |
Nanogak, Agnes
1986 |
Hurtig Publishers
Peekaboo! |
Price, Mathew, and Jean Claverie
1985 |
Irwin Publishing
Hands On, Thumbs Up |
Gryski, Gamilla.
1990 |
Kids Can Press
By the Sea: An Alphabet Book |
Blades, Ann
1985 |
Kids Can Press
Sadie and the Snowman |
Morgan, Allen
1985 |
Kids Can Press
Brenda and Edward |
Kovalski, Maryann
1984 |
Kids Can Press
Christopher and the Dream Dragon |
Morgan, Allen
1984 |
Kids Can Press
Building the Bridges: Report of the National Conference on Multicultural Education, November 11-14, 1981, Winnipeg, Manitoba |
1982 |
L.A. Weigl Educational Associates
The Emperor's Panda |
Day, David
1986 |
McClelland & Stewart
Four Seasons: Creative Activities for Young Children |
Wayne, Alice Traer, Shirley Charlton, and Gwenn Boechler.
1990 |
McGraw-Hill Ryerson
The Attic of All Sorts |
Léger, Diane Carmel.
1991 |
Orca Book Publishers
Apples, Alligators and Also Alphabets |
Johnson, Odette, and Bruce Johnson.
1990 |
Oxford University Press Canada
Animal Hours |
Manning, Linda.
1990 |
Oxford University Press Canada
Rumpelstiltskin |
Harris, Dorothy Joan.
1991 |
Oxford University Press Canada
Pieces |
1986 |
Of the Jigsaw |
1986 |
Puzzle |
1986 |
Paul's New Ears |
Steiner, Connie Colker.
1991 |
Peguis Publishers
Little by Little: A Writer's Education |
Little, Jean
1987 |
Penguin Books Canada
My Underwear's Inside Out: The Care and Feeding of Younger Poets |
Dawber, Diane.
1991 |
Quarry Press
My Underwear's Inside Out: The Care and Feeding of Younger Poets |
Dawber, Diane.
1991 |
Quarry Press
The Louse |
Dufresne, Colette.
1991 |
Quintin Publishers
The War with Mr. Wizzle |
Korman, Gordon
1982 |
Scholastic Book Services