The Only Secure Job: Changing from Employee to Entrepreneur


304 pages
Contains Index
ISBN 1-55263-059-5
DDC 650.1





Reviewed by Louise Karch

Louise Karch is a career consultant with Carswell Partners in London, Ontario.


This guide to setting up your own business covers a broad range of
topics, including e-business, franchise ownership, network marketing,
the creation of a solid business plan, and the benefits of accrual
accounting. Quotes from Canadian entrepreneurs inspire without being
unrealistically optimistic.

Particularly welcome are the tools Worzel describes. One is the target
matrix, which helps would-be entrepreneurs brainstorm and select their
ventures. The other is the planning wall: this wall of Post-it notes
evolves into a project management system that assists in forecasting,
budgeting, and devising a viable business plan.

According to Worzel, only one in five new businesses survives past its
third year. As his short but powerful chapter on fear demonstrates,
emotional intelligence plays a major role in helping the novice
entrepreneur beat the odds. If I were Roger Ebert, I’d give this book
two thumbs up.


Worzel, Richard., “The Only Secure Job: Changing from Employee to Entrepreneur,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed March 13, 2025,