The Illustrated History of British Columbia


280 pages
Contains Photos, Illustrations, Maps, Bibliography, Index
ISBN 1-55054-859-X
DDC 971.1





Reviewed by Ann Turner

Ann Turner is the financial and budget manager of the University of
British Columbia Library.


With its collection of over 320 photographs and other illustrations
gathered from archives across the country, this is unquestionably a
significant contribution to the study of British Columbia’s history.
Acclaimed B.C. author and historian Terry Reksten places them like
jewels into their chronological settings, from early Aboriginal
artifacts to the celebrations on the signing of the Nisga’a Treaty in
1998. She details the development of the province, covering the arrival
of European traders and settlers, the gold rush, two world wars, and the
postwar economic and industrial expansion primarily through the
experiences of the people who were there. They are depicted in the
photographs and paintings, and quotations from their journals and
correspondence enhance nearly every page. Some special topics and
individuals receive in-depth attention in illustrated essays set into
the main text. The quality of the illustrations is excellent throughout,
especially the clarity of the earliest photographs dating from the
1860s. The extensive list of sources and illustration credits is
indicative of the time and care that went into researching this
outstanding publication.


Reksten, Terry., “The Illustrated History of British Columbia,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed January 17, 2025,