Fit to Die: A Crime and Mystery Collection by the Ladies' Killing Circle


261 pages
ISBN 0-929141-87-3
DDC C813'.08720806




Edited by Joan Boswell and Sue Pike
Reviewed by Jerremie Clyde

Jerremie Clyde is a reference librarian at the University of Alberta.


Fit to Die is the latest anthology from the Ladies Killing Circle, a
sisterhood of Ottawa-based mystery writers. The members of the Ladies
Killing Circle excel in the business of mischief and murder, earning
awards and praise for their previous three anthologies.

In Fit to Die, 21 Canadians contribute short stories and an assortment
of poems. Characters ranging from bridge-playing grannies to fitness
freaks scheme and plot in their own version of survival of the fittest.
In “Sign of the Times,” by Mary Jane Maffini, a retired art teacher
has murderous plans for an overbearing neighbor. Joan Boswell’s
“Returning the Favour” is the story of an Olympic hopeful with a
secret that could end her dreams of gold and glory. In the chilling
“Seigneur Poisson,” by newcomer R.J. Harlick, brother is pitted
against brother in the Quebec wilderness. Recommended for fans of the
mystery genre.


“Fit to Die: A Crime and Mystery Collection by the Ladies' Killing Circle,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,