Facing the Future: The Seven Forces Revolutionizing Our Lives


273 pages
Contains Bibliography, Index
ISBN 0-7737-2830-9
DDC 303.4971




Reviewed by Janet Arnett

Janet Arnett is the former campus manager of adult education at Ontario’s Georgian College. She is the author of Antiques and Collectibles: Starting Small, The Grange at Knock, and 673 Ways to Save Money.



Worzel gives us a 1990s Canadian version of the 1980s hit, Megatrends.
His dynamic style, insightful thinking, and high-impact content should
guarantee the book equal success, at least in Canada.

The seven forces Worzel explores are the global economy, population,
technology, the environment, life expectancy, the decline of the nation
state (“countries”), and the breakdown in traditional values. As he
works through the list, he makes cross-connections and linkages,
bringing out the impact of one trend on another and the cumulative
effect of parallel developments.

Worzel is convincing: the world is in trouble. The clarity and
forcefulness of his presentation on the seven trends is such that, for
some readers, a feeling of hopelessness is a real possibility. But he
doesn’t hit us with seven mega-problems and abandon us to wallow in
despair. A real strength of the work is that he takes the reader from
global woes to personal action. He points out that there is very little
about the future that is inevitable, and gives some insights into how to
take charge by achieving positive change in our own lives and

This is a well-researched, beautifully written work on a topic of vital
importance to all Canadians.


Worzel, Richard., “Facing the Future: The Seven Forces Revolutionizing Our Lives,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed January 21, 2025, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/6730.