Calypso Warrior


187 pages
ISBN 1-895854-38-5
DDC C813'.54




Reviewed by Virginia Gillham

Virginia Gillham is university librarian at Wilfrid Laurier University.


Set largely in Montreal, with snippets of Greece thrown in, this short
novel describes a bizarre love triangle whose salient characteristic
appears on the surface to be stupidity.

As the plot unfolds against a backdrop of Quebec sociology and
politics, the reader feels a growing irritation with all three of the
protagonists and with the author. Two of the main characters are too
monstrously self-centred to be credible, even in fantastic fiction. The
third must surely be soft in the head to allow herself to remain part of
the situation. (One wonders about the author’s evaluation of the
intelligence of his readership.) An unexpected twist in the final
chapter will be felt by most to redeem the whole situation.


McGoogan, Ken., “Calypso Warrior,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed February 5, 2025,