2015: After the Boom: How to Prosper Through the Coming Retirement Crisis. Rev. ed.


143 pages
Contains Illustrations
ISBN 1-55013-826-X
DDC 332.024'01





Reviewed by Virginia Gillham

Virginia Gillham is university librarian at Wilfrid Laurier University.


Both of these books paint a frightening picture of the financial future
of Canada’s baby boomers. The author maintains that those boomers now
nearing retirement are financially unprepared and will probably suffer
drastically reduced incomes and living standards following retirement.
Moreover, they will probably outlive their money and see the government
brought to the edge of financial ruin (and therefore unable to assist

Having thus unsettled his readers, Turner proceeds to dispense a wealth
of practical advice based on current Canadian law. 2015 is a hands-on
guide to investing and prospering in the years ahead. It gives solid
advice on avoiding popular but unproductive investments, and outlines
the best low-risk routes to high investment income. The 1997 RRSP Guide
focuses on ways to build wealth quickly within your RRSP.

The underlying message of these practical and effective books is
“become proactive about your retirement income, or suffer the


Turner, Garth., “2015: After the Boom: How to Prosper Through the Coming Retirement Crisis. Rev. ed.,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/4795.