Succeed Without Burnout


196 pages
ISBN 0-9681538-0-1
DDC 158.1





Reviewed by Jane Heath

Jane Heath teaches psychology at Ryerson Polytechnical University in


In this book, the author describes his own experience with—and
recovery from—burnout, which he defines as mental, spiritual,
physical, and emotional collapse resulting from overinvestment in one
aspect of one’s life. The primary message of this self-help manual is
that you can avoid (or cure) burnout by maintaining a balance among the
mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional aspects of your life.

Unfortunately, the book is both repetitive and lacking in focus. The
author’s life story is told at least four times; whether it is
intended as a cautionary tale or as a contemporary Horatio Alger success
story is never made clear. Kubassek has a weakness for lists: virtually
every topic, from workaholism to stress, is accorded at least three
lists and often a questionnaire as well. Assertions are frequently not
referenced (statements such as “sources indicate” and “one study
concludes” abound). While a self-help book need not be scholarly, it
should be clear and stimulating. Succeed Without Burnout is neither.


Kubassek, Ben., “Succeed Without Burnout,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 19, 2024,