

111 pages
ISBN 0-88823-078-8





Reviewed by Annabelle Goodman

Annabelle Goodman was Vice-Principal of Williamson Road Public School.


“You may have lost a tennis match, my friend, but you’ve gained my respect” (p.109).

Despite a severe arm injury, Scott is determined to be a tennis champion. Right until the end, the reader cheers and prays for Scott to win, even though reason would suggest the impossibility of learning to play a winning left-handed game with only a few months’ training.

Two serious issues are handled in Love-15. Scott, a potential tennis champ and son of an upper-middle-class family, has his life rudely interrupted in an accident on his grandparents’ farm. He must face the guilt he feels for thoughts he expressed towards his grandfather and he must now rebuild his life. The other major issue is bigotry. Sally Sanji is also a member of Scott’s tennis club and a potential champ. In a moment of frustration with his tennis game, Scott strikes out and insults Sally with a slur. This issue isn’t developed sufficiently to allow the reader to empathize with Sally. As a character, Sally doesn’t ring true; she plays the important role of becoming Scott’s girlfriend and helping him achieve the skills and confidence needed to play championship tennis again. Through her positive actions Scott quickly changes his behaviour and biased view. If only it could happen so quickly in real life!

Nevertheless, the reader will probably get the positive message intended. Tennis buffs will relate to the excitement of the club atmosphere and the tournaments. Non-players will enjoy the challenge of character development and the fast-paced plot. Students in grade 5-8 will enjoy the book. It will be useful as novel study or individual reading, or will make an excellent choice for the teacher to read to the class.


McCloskey, Dennis, “Love-15,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed December 26, 2024,