More Than Just Folks: 31 Remarkable Nova Scotians


187 pages
ISBN 0-895900-01-8
DDC 971.5'0922





Reviewed by Edward L. Edmonds

Edward L. Edmonds is a professor of education at the University of
Prince Edward Island and Honorary Chief of the Mi'kmaq of Prince Edward


More Than Just Folks profiles 31 high achievers—all born after the end
of World War II—who by their courage, initiative, and resourcefulness
have made their mark in Nova Scotia life. Dedication to solving
community problems is a dominant theme. There are valuable insights into
race relations between blacks and whites, and into the local politics of
Canada’s “most Government-dependent region.” An abiding passion
for “getting education” is evident, as is a deep attachment to
hearth and home.

Kimber’s style is easy, colloquial, and chatty. Blending fact and
anecdote (including the little snippets of gossip to which many
Maritimers are so partial), he has the happy knack of bringing people to
life. Asking the right questions, he says in his introduction, is the
key to successful interviewing, even if “right” sometimes becomes
“rude” or, at the very least, intrusive. Kimber would be a worthy
successor to the CBC’s Peter Gzowski (of “Morningside” fame).


Kimber, Stephen., “More Than Just Folks: 31 Remarkable Nova Scotians,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,