Culture Statistics: Newspapers and Periodicals, 1981


52 pages
Contains Illustrations, Bibliography
ISBN 0-660-51867-8




Reviewed by Dean Tudor

Dean Tudor is a journalism professor at the Ryerson Polytechnical
Institute and founding editor of the CBRA.


Formerly available as Cat. No. 87-625, this particular publication is now available as just an occasional and not as an annual. On page 5 it is stated, “The data have been culled from a number of published sources and are not the result of a particular survey. These sources are cited in the text and listed in the bibliography.” The booklet was a joint undertaking between Statistics Canada and the Department of Communication’s Arts and Culture Branch, now back with the Secretary of State as of mid-1984. The Culture Division of StatsCan has eleven main areas devoted to “cultural industries” such as radio, television, the performing arts, museums, libraries, and book publishing. This booklet, then, deals with a similar area: newspapers and periodicals. There are 21 tables and relevant texts devoted to 1980-1981 data concerning corporate concentration, expenditures, employment, revenue, circulation, and subsidization to periodicals (not to newspapers). A useful publication for the industry.


Statistics Canada, “Culture Statistics: Newspapers and Periodicals, 1981,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed March 12, 2025,