The Winnipeg Book


230 pages
Contains Bibliography, Index
ISBN 0-919493-29-7





Reviewed by M.M. Glenn

M.M. Glenn was a freelance librarian residing in Oakville, Ontario.


Charles Wilkins has published works in the areas of fiction, poetry, drama, and journalism; he lives and works in Winnipeg.

The title of this book is more comprehensively explained as “an irreverent and entertaining guide to the people, places, entertainment, sports, food, politics, stones, parks, architecture and more.”

Wilkins describes the people: Self-Doubter (insecure, lacks self-esteem, and doesn’t make much noise); Assiniboine Scoffer (loud, obnoxious, joins with the rest of the world to adopt anti-Winnipeg values); Raving Winnipeg Tout (reverse of Self-Doubter and can’t say anything wrong about the city); Red River Psychic Refugee (so unvocal as not to be noticed should an objection be made, hides out in his room awaiting spring); Winnipeg Winter Masochist (thrives on -40); Winnipeg Ex-patriot (invariably turns the conversation to Winnipeg).

Wilkins provides helpful information on the performing arts (background, production season, availability of tickets), and he also mentions briefly the literary arts, the visual arts and films.

Under the chapter heading “A Grab Bag of Attractions,” Wilkins discusses historic and non-historic landmarks: Rid House, Grant’s old mill, Prairie Dog Central, steam train, Assiniboine Park Zoo, Winnipeg Mint, Gray Line Tour Company double-decker bus tours, etc. He also mentions such annual events as festivals, exhibits, jamborees, and others.

Tourists will find information on sight-seeing daily trips, walks, flora and fauna, buildings with interesting architectural designs, restaurants, hotels, and useful numbers. An index completes the book.


Wilkins, Charles, “The Winnipeg Book,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed March 13, 2025,