Free Enterprise and the State: What's Right? What's Left? What's Next?


124 pages
ISBN 0-88794-148-6





Edited by Jan Fedorowicz
Reviewed by Toby Rupert

Toby Rupert was a librarian living in Toronto.


Eighteen Canadians and Americans contributed to the 53rd Couchiching Conference. Their papers and discussions are now published by CBC Enterprises, the marketing arm of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The theme of free enterprise and the state comes with a series of definitions and labels. Under the microscope are examined, in more or less detail, the affordance of the welfare state, the productivity of the profit motive, the limits of public enterprise, laissez-faire, the role of the government in the future of the corporate sector, individual freedom, and surviving massive unemployment.

A good series of papers, with contributions by such people as Gordon Fisher (president of Southam, Inc.), Eric Kierans, ethicist Gregory Baum, and economist Carl Beigie.


Couchiching Conference, “Free Enterprise and the State: What's Right? What's Left? What's Next?,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,