Along the I-75: 1997 Edition


190 pages
Contains Illustrations, Maps
ISBN 1-896819-00-1
DDC 917.304'929'05





Reviewed by Graham Adams, Jr.

Graham Adams, Jr., is a professor of American history at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick.


Canadians journeying to Florida this winter will profit from this latest
edition of Dave Hunter’s guide to Interstate Highway 75, which runs
through the states of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia.
At the heart of the book are two sets (northbound and southbound) of 79
full-color strip maps, each depicting a 25-mile segment of the scenic
thoroughfare. Every map also denotes all of the gas, food, and lodging
facilities within its area. Should I–75 become congested, the guide
suggests alternative “escape routes.” In addition to detailed
information regarding motels and restaurants, Hunter also advises the
reader about post offices, police stations, road conditions, shopping
malls, and car washes.

Driving a long distance may prove boring, but it can turn into an
adventure, the author insists, if you explore points of interest along
the way. Hunter’s work is replete with descriptions of American Civil
War battle sites, geological discoveries, wineries, Stealth bombers,
moon rocks, and a Voice of America transmitter. In short, his guide
ranks as a lively, informative, and highly valuable aid for the I–75


Hunter, Dave., “Along the I-75: 1997 Edition,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed March 14, 2025,