Small Business Online: A Strategic Guide for Canadian Entrepreneurs


391 pages
Contains Illustrations, Bibliography, Index
ISBN 0-13-976895-5
DDC 658.02'2'02854678




Reviewed by Jeffrey Moon

Jeffrey Moon is head of the Documents Reference/Data Centre at Queen’s


This book by Jim Carroll and Rick Broadhead, perhaps best known for
their Canadian Internet Handbook, is packed with useful information,
links, lists, and advice. The authors concisely cover a wide range of
topics that are of importance to small business. Their book includes
chapters on starting up, equipping your office, strategic opportunities
on the Web, building and marketing your Web site, and the Year 2000
issue, among other topics.

One of the best chapters in the book is “Building a Web Site for Your
Small Business.” Though succinct, it provides enough information to
give a small business the confidence to ask appropriate questions and
make appropriate decisions during the Web site planning process. The
book’s main strength, however, is the way it highlights the advantages
of Internet technology for small business while being candid about its
limitations and pitfalls.

The text is informal and rich with practical examples. Each chapter
ends with a list of Web sites cited in the chapter, and there is a
detailed and analytic index. Highly recommended for both business and
nonbusiness (e.g., governmental, institutional) audiences interested in
establishing an effective presence on the Web.


Carroll, Jim, and Rick Broadhead., “Small Business Online: A Strategic Guide for Canadian Entrepreneurs,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,