The Countess and Me


144 pages
ISBN 1-55041-680-4
DDC jC813'.54





Reviewed by Anne Hutchings

Anne Hutchings, a former elementary-school teacher-librarian with the
Durham Board of Education, is an educational consultant.


Jordan is having difficulty adjusting to life in Surrey, away from his
friends back in Winnipeg. An eccentric old neighbor, Mrs. von Loewen,
enlists his help to bury a carved quartz skull, which she believes is
cursed. The Countess (for that, indeed, was what she was back in the old
country) hires Jordan to be her gardener/handyman and the two become

When Jordan does begin to fit in at school it is, unfortunately, with
the wrong crowd. Eager to impress, he digs up the skull to give to his
pals and brags about the Countess’s wealth and jewels. Predictably,
some of the gang members break into the Countess’s house, trashing it
and stealing her valuables. Now Jordan must decide whether to rat on his
friends or tell the truth and suffer the consequences.

Paul Kropp has written another sure-fire hit for young adults. Anyone
who has craved acceptance and friendship as Jordan does will relate to
this story. Told in the first person, the fast-paced narrative will have
even the most reluctant reader turning the pages. Recommended.


Kropp, Paul., “The Countess and Me,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,