The Sower of Tales
ISBN 1-55041-945-5
DDC jC813'.54
Emily Walters Gregor is a graduate student in 20th-century American
literature and an ESL writing tutor at the University of Minnesota.
Each night at Talemeet, the villagers of the small, medieval towns in
the neighbouring area gather to hear the story from that evening’s
story pod. Soon, 13-year-old Calantha will be old enough to begin an
apprenticeship. Though her mother encourages her to help the Thatcher
and the Herb-gatherer, Calantha is interested in assisting only the
Gatherer, who cultivates the story pods.
Early one morning, Calantha awakens from a nightmare—in her dream,
the story pods have stopped growing. She then discovers that no new
story pods are emerging from the ground, and that the Sower of Tales has
stopped returning the seeds that float to her each night at the
completion of the tale. Her strong connection to the story pods embroils
the young teen in a quest to find the Sower of Tales and, after learning
of the connection between the story pods’ tales and the happiness and
freedom of her people, to thwart the plans of the evil sorcerer Odhran,
who is plunging the Plainsfolk into oppression by withholding the
The fantasy world Gilmore creates in this traditional quest tale is
imaginative. Calantha, ostracized, plain, and easily distracted, is a
complex and interesting protagonist, who must contend with many things
on her journey. It is from these experiences that she learns and grows.
The action in the novel is driving and the ending is satisfying. But
most of all, the tale reinforces the importance of stories. Highly