More Love and Sex from My Messy Bedroom


189 pages
ISBN 1-55065-108-0
DDC 306.7





Robert B. MacIntyre is head of the Centre for Relationship Therapy and
Education in Orangeville, Ontario.


In this second compilation of the author’s columns from Hour magazine
in Montreal, the individual pieces cover the areas of personal
relationships, dating and bedding practices, and personal disclosures,
and discuss topics in the news relating to sex and sexual functioning.
As the title promises, the emphasis is on sex, and the author is
forthright and explicit about it. Technical terms and trash talk make
for a lively and breezy presentation of things such as avoiding sexually
transmitted diseases and the necessary trust for sado-masochistic sexual
exploration. There is a lot of clinical material here, including two
visits to genital plastic surgery (penis elongation and labia
reduction). The level of analysis is fairly shallow and entertaining, as
might be expected from a weekly column. In general, relationship issues
take a back seat to recreational sex and short-term encounters. Love,
except in the sense of sexual desire, is not a major focus. For young
people beginning to explore, or fantasize about, sexual activities, this
book may be a liberating source of good information presented without
solemnity. More experienced lovers might want more depth, but that would
be another book.


Vogels, Josey., “More Love and Sex from My Messy Bedroom,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed February 16, 2025,