Children Around the World
Contains Illustrations
ISBN 1-55074-064-3
DDC j390'.083
Valentina Cesaratto is a high-school teacher specializing in dramatic
arts and film studies.
This book introduces readers to 12 children who live in different
countries around the world; these countries are Canada, the United
States, Mexico, Bolivia, China, India, Greece, Morocco, Tanzania,
Australia, Japan, and the Philippines. The text on each two-page spread
(one spread for each child and country), although written in simple
words, is informational and educational. Included are such things as the
child’s name, country, cultural and geographical facts, as well as the
child’s favorite pet, game, hobby and/or activity. The artwork is
bright, colorful, and unique because it is presented in a multimedia
concept that uses fabric, paper, mesh, string, and felt.
Children Around the World is a wonderful resource to use to explore
different cultures and themes, and to learn what makes children from all
around the world the same and/or different. It is also a good resource
for any adult working with children in the visual arts. The examples of
multimedia artwork are rich and varied, and can be easily taught to
children. Highly recommended.