Ballet School
Contains Photos, Index
ISBN 0-86505-606-4
DDC 792.8'071'0713541
Virginia Gillham is the senior librarian at Wilfrid Laurier University
and an international figure-skating judge.
What a relief to find a book for young people with format and text of
matching levels! This book manages to avoid nicely the trap into which
so many nonfiction books for children fall. It is glossy and attractive,
but not condescending. It will appeal to readers under 10 years of
age—precisely the age of ballet students considering a future at a
residential ballet school.
Summarizing and illustrating life at the National Ballet School of
Canada, the book is well written, informative, logically organized and
lavishly illustrated. There is an appropriate amount of information that
leaves a pleasant but realistic impression with the reader. Highly