The Bye-Bye Pie


32 pages
ISBN 1-55041-405-4
DDC jC813'.54




Illustrations by Ruth Ohi
Reviewed by Sylvia Pantaleo

Sylvia Pantaleo is an assistant professor of education specializing in
children’s literature at Queen’s University and the co-author of
Learning with Literature in the Canadian Elementary Classroom.


When Grandma announces that she is going to Greenland for a year, the
family plans a surprise going-away party for her. Joey and Alfie make
Grandma some presents but, unfortunately, Alfie’s gifts do not turn
out as planned. Joey’s mother decides to make Grandma’s favorite
dessert for the party—chocolate fudge pecan pie.

Grandma, who rides a motorcycle, is genuinely surprised by the party.
When it is time for dessert, Joey puts the homemade pies on a tray and
raises it over his head, emulating waiters in fancy restaurants.
Somehow, the pies slide off the tray, and as they fall, Alfie blurts,
“Pie go bye-bye.” But all is not lost. The boys scoop up the pies
into a pudding bowl, add whipped cream, and create a “bye-bye pie”
for Grandma, which is thoroughly enjoyed by all. As Grandma leaves, Joey
and Alfie promise to send her letters and pictures. In his first letter
to Grandma, Joey includes a picture of the brothers making a bye-bye

Chocolate handprints on the book’s endpapers effectively foreshadow
subsequent events, and the illustrator’s use of many humorous details
in her watercolor illustrations extend the delightful story. (Joey and
Alfie’s facial expressions are especially effective at communicating
their emotions, and readers can follow the antics of the family cat.)
The recipe for bye-bye pie is included at the back of the book! Highly


Jennings, Sharon., “The Bye-Bye Pie,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed February 16, 2025,