The Figure Skating Book


116 pages
Contains Index
ISBN 1-55263-080-3
DDC 796.91'2





Photos by Scott Grant
Illustrations by John Lightfoot
Reviewed by Virginia Gillham

Virginia Gillham is university librarian at Wilfrid Laurier University.


Debbi Wilkes, one of Canada’s best-known figure skating commentators
and experts, has written a guide for beginners that covers everything
from making the initial decision to pursue skating to choosing a coach
and teaching program. Topics include selection of equipment (pay a good
price, Wilkes advises, because unwise economies will come back to haunt
you), maintenance of skates (sharpening should never be entrusted to the
local hockey shop), and appropriate clothing (warm and comfortable).
Particularly welcome are the discussions and directions the author
provides with respect to each basic element (spins, jumps, etc.).

The Figure Skating Book would be a valuable (and popular) addition to
home, public, and school libraries. Highly recommended.


Wilkes, Debbi., “The Figure Skating Book,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,