The David Suzuki Reader


388 pages
Contains Bibliography, Index
ISBN 1-55365-022-0
DDC 304.2





Reviewed by Naomi Brun

Naomi Brun is a freelance writer and a book reviewer for The Hamilton


The 20th century has often been called the age of technology. After all,
it gave birth to a wide array of devices that make modern life
possible—affordable motorized transportation, household appliances,
and computers, to name but a few. In order to put all of these products
into the hands of regular folk, the business world focused its energies
entirely on efficient production.

The greatest price for all of this consumerism has undoubtedly been
paid by the natural world. Our trees, rivers, rocks, and air have all
been turned into commodities for sale on the open market.

Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, David Suzuki has been a
lone voice in the wilderness, crying out against our destructive
lifestyles. He considers himself to be a “deep ecologist,” someone
who holds “a worldview emphasizing that Nature has intrinsic value,
that is, value for itself rather than only aesthetic, commodity or
recreational value for humans; that humans have the capacity for broader
identification as part of our ecological self.”

The David Suzuki Reader provides a collection of Suzuki’s best essays
for the mainstream reader. He argues passionately for a more holistic
approach to human living, an approach that encourages people to notice
the environment around them, to care for the well being of all species,
and to recognize that existence is infinitely more important than
progressing up a human hierarchy of achievement.

The organization of this anthology allows readers to take in the
information a little at a time. Bearing in mind the needs of a
non-scientific audience, he has kept each essay brief, so that readers
do not find themselves overwhelmed with data. The essays are
thematically grouped into six sections, and more scientifically versed
readers will enjoy approaching each section as a longish chapter.

Keeping true to form, Suzuki has created an enlightening work with wide
appeal. His ideas are sure to provoke discussion about how we interact
with the world around us.


Suzuki, David., “The David Suzuki Reader,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,