In Our Back-yard
Contains Illustrations, Maps, Index
ISBN 1-55110-040-1
DDC 363.73'7
Ann Turner is Financial and Budget Manager, University of British
Columbia Library.
Environmental responsibility, like charity, begins at home. It begins
with an awareness of the current situation, and of the ways in which
each member of the community can help improve it. Vancouver writer and
environmentalist Peggy Trendell-Whittaker compiled this guidebook for
the residents of the Greater Vancouver area to let them know what each
municipality is doing about their garbage, water supply, air quality,
and green spaces. Maps identify the sites of landfills, resource
recovery plants, and garbage transfer stations in the region, as well as
the watersheds, reservoirs, and pumping stations that make up its water
supply systems, and the sewerage areas and their treatment plants.
But action is also needed at the individual level. The author lists
many ways in which individuals can help by reducing consumption,
reusing, and recycling. Descriptions of the recycling programs in each
of the municipalities are included, with numbers to call for further
information. A directory of resources gives addresses and telephone
numbers of government agencies, organizations, and special information
sources such as demonstration gardens for composting. An index helps the
reader locate specific information, maps, and telephone numbers quickly.
Although directed to residents of the Greater Vancouver area, this
guide provides useful, nontechnical information about many environmental
problems, and practical suggestions for individuals who want to become
part of the solution.