Salmon Fishing British Columbia, Vol. 2


141 pages
Contains Photos, Maps
ISBN 0-919214-81-9
DDC 799.1'755




Reviewed by Matt Hartman

Matt Hartman is a freelance editor and cataloguer, running Hartman Cataloguing, Editing and Indexing Services.


Bob Hope comes each year, so (it is said) does Tom Selleck. Sinatra too
has been seen in these parts. We are speaking of British Columbia, and
what these (and other) celebrities are doing there is salmon fishing.
Cramond, who is now retired, spent nearly a quarter-century as Outdoor
Editor of The Vancouver Province. He is also an author of some renown
(his first book, Hunting and Fishing in North America, was published in
1957). After more than 50 years of sports fishing, Cramond says that
“B.C. waters still provide some 400,000 B.C. salmon fishermen and tens
of thousands of visiting anglers with the most exciting and easily
available sports fishing opportunities anywhere on world oceans.”

This new book is actually an update of the author’s 1971 book
Fishin’ Holes of the West, with the addition of many new locations.
All spots were visited or revisited, and new maps and photographs have
been added. This volume covers the Vancouver area, the Sunshine Coast
(to Jervis Inlet), the Gulf Islands, and the lower Strait of Georgia.
(Vol. 1, published in 1989, covered Vancouver Island). Cramond has
provided fishermen with an eminently usable guidebook, divided into
eight geographic areas—Burrard Inlet, Howe Sound, South Georgia
Strait, Mid-Georgia Strait, Malaspina Strait and Pender Harbour, North
Georgia Strait, Jervis Inlet, and Sechelt Inlet. Inveterate anglers who
call the south coast of British Columbia home, and others who have had
the good fortune to cast their lines into these waters will be familiar
with many of the spots listed. Others will find the book a godsend only
slightly less important to take along than the guide to tidal waters,
the gear, and the tackle box. Each brief place description includes
notes on how to get there, where to fish, and what gear to use (plugs,
live bait, downrigger, etc.). A clear line map accompanies each
notation, and there is a brief but useful glossary. Good fishing!


Cramond, Mike., “Salmon Fishing British Columbia, Vol. 2,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed February 8, 2025,