Nexus: Transpersonal Approach to Groups


276 pages
Contains Illustrations, Bibliography
ISBN 1-55059-235-1
DDC 616.89'152




Reviewed by Diana Coholic

Diana Coholic is an assistant professor in the School of Social Work at
Laurentian University.


Honoré France espouses a holistic approach to group work that aims to
help people develop fully integrated conceptions of themselves and
meaningful ways of understanding the world around them. In this book, he
draws not only on the research literature but also on prominent figures
in philosophy, literature, art, and spiritual traditions (particularly
Eastern-based perspectives).

The book moves logically from an overview of first encounters in a
group and the development of the group to discussions of group
relations, cross-cultural matters, strategies for connecting with
nature, and the process of letting go. Individual chapters address such
topics as the use of art and imagery, the interpretation of dreams, and
the experience of psychodrama. All of these techniques can, France says,
help people to develop a sense of identify that extends beyond the
personal to encompass wider aspects of humankind, life, psyche, and the

Especially welcome are the exercises at the end of each chapter. Here
the author provides group participants with strategies for increasing
self-awareness and respect for diversity. Some of these exercises could
easily be adapted for use in teaching, as well as for work with
individual clients, couples, or families.

This interesting and unique book will appeal to practitioners and
educators who wish to move beyond a Eurocentric worldview, and to
include ancient traditions and cultural knowledge in their practices.


France, HonorĂ©., “Nexus: Transpersonal Approach to Groups,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,