The Force of Culture: Vincent Massey and Canadian Sovereignty |
Finlay, Karen A.
2004 |
University of Toronto Press
Canada and the End of Empire |
2005 |
UBC Press
The Collapse of Globalism: And the Reinvention of the World |
Saul, John Ralston.
2005 |
Penguin Books Canada
Multicultural Nationalism: Civilizing Difference, Constituting Community |
Kernerman, Gerald.
2005 |
UBC Press
Canada and the British World: Culture, Migration, and Identity |
2006 |
UBC Press
The Other Quiet Revolution: National Identities in English Canada, 1945–71 |
Igartua, José E.
2006 |
UBC Press
Commissions High: Canada in London, 1870–1971 |
MacLaren, Roy.
2006 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Dialogue on Democracy |
2006 |
Penguin Books Canada
Parallel Paths: The Development of Nationalism in Ireland and Quebec. |
Stevenson, Garth.
2006 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Creating Citizens: History and Identity in Alberta's Schools, 1905–1980. |
von Heyking, Amy.
2006 |
University of Calgary Press
Mothers of the Nation: Women, Families, and Nationalism in Twentieth-Century Europe. |
Albanese, Patrizia.
2006 |
University of Toronto Press
Parallel Paths: The Development of Nationalism in Ireland and Quebec. |
Stevenson, Garth.
2006 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Six String Nation: 64 Pieces, 6 Strings, 1 Canada, 1 Guitar. |
Taylor, Jowi.
2009 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Beyond National Dreams: Essays on Canadian Citizenship and Nationalism. |
2009 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside