Yellow Brick Roads to Gold Rock |
Fulford, Hazel.
1997 |
Singing Shield Productions
Gamblers and Dreamers |
Porsild, Charlene.
1998 |
UBC Press
A Stake in the Future: Redefining the Canadian Mineral Industry |
McAllister, Mary Louise, and Cynthia Jacqueline Alexander.
1997 |
UBC Press
When Coal Was King: Ladysmith and the Coal-Mining Industry on Vancouver Island |
Hinde, John R.
2003 |
UBC Press
When Coal Was King: Ladysmith and the Coal-Mining Industry on Vancouver Island |
Hinde, John R.
2003 |
UBC Press
Banking on Coal: Perspectives on a Cape Breton Community Within an International Context |
Campbell, Douglas F.
1997 |
University College of Cape Breton Press
More with Less: Work Reorganization in the Canadian Mining Industry |
Russell, Bob.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
More with Less: Work Reorganization in the Canadian Mining Industry |
Russell, Bob.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press