The Sound and the Silence: The Private Lives of Mabel and Alexander Graham Bell |
Foster, Tony.
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Nimbus Publishing
The Importance of Being Monogamous: Marriage and Nation Building in Western Canada to 1915. |
Carter, Sarah.
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University of Alberta Press
Questing France: Deepening the Search for My Holy Grail |
Belleghem, Marilyn Barnicke.
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Quest Publishing
Putting Children First: A Guide for Parents Breaking Up |
McDonough, Hanna, and Christina Bartha.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
Putting Children First: A Guide for Parents Breaking Up |
McDonough, Hanna, and Christina Bartha.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
One Man at a Time (Secrets of a Serial Monogamist) |
Simpson, Elizabeth.
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Macfarlane Walter & Ross
Night Fires |
Razzell, Mary.
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Groundwood Books
Living the Spirit of Marriage |
Thompson, Michael.
2005 |
Anglican Book Centre
Just Married: Gay Marriage and the Expansion of Human Rights |
Bourassa, Kevin, and Joe Varnell.
2002 |
Doubleday Canada
Before We Say "I Do." 2nd ed |
Whalen, Nomi.
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Detselig Enterprises
At the Altar: Matrimonial Tales |
Montgomery, Lucy Maud.
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