Search Results

11 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Razzell, Mary. 1990 Groundwood Books
Montgomery, Lucy Maud. 1994 McClelland & Stewart
Foster, Tony. 1996 Nimbus Publishing
McDonough, Hanna, and Christina Bartha. 1999 University of Toronto Press
Whalen, Nomi. 1999 Detselig Enterprises
McDonough, Hanna, and Christina Bartha. 1999 University of Toronto Press
Simpson, Elizabeth. 2000 Macfarlane Walter & Ross
Bourassa, Kevin, and Joe Varnell. 2002 Doubleday Canada
Belleghem, Marilyn Barnicke. 2005 Quest Publishing
Thompson, Michael. 2005 Anglican Book Centre
Carter, Sarah. 2008 University of Alberta Press