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Jacques Chessex: Calvinism and the Text |
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Thirty-Two Short Views of Mazo de la Roche |
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The False Traitor: Louis Riel in Canadian Culture |
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Prosodies of Meaning: Literary Form in Native America |
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Every Inch a Woman: Phallic Possession, Femininity, and the Text |
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Witnessing AIDS: Writing, Testimony, and the Work of Mourning |
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University of Toronto Press
Witnessing AIDS: Writing, Testimony, and the Work of Mourning |
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University of Toronto Press
Labour, Love, and Prayer: Female Piety in Ulster Religious Literature, 1850-1914 |
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A Manner of Correspondence: A Study of the Scriblerus Club |
Brückmann, Patricia Carr.
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Character Parts: Who's Really Who in CanLit |
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Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Memoirs from Away: A New Found Land Girlhood |
Buss, Helen M., and Margaret Clarke.
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Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Repossessing the World: Reading Memoirs by Contemporary Women |
Buss, Helen.
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Wilfrid Laurier University Press
The Perfection of the Morning: An Apprenticeship in Nature |
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HarperCollins Canada
Writing in Our Time: Canada's Radical Poetries in English (1957–2003) |
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Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Seeing in the Dark: The Poetry of Phyllis Webb |
Butling, Pauline.
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Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Earle Birney: A Life |
Cameron, Elspeth.
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Penguin Books Canada
AS Byatt and the Heliotropic Imagination |
Campbell, Jane.
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Wilfrid Laurier University Press