An Iron in Many a Fire |
Bond, Courtney C.J.
1982 |
University of Ottawa Press
Mona: A Mother's Story |
Bureau, Ginette
1982 |
Clarke Irwin
Like One That Dreamed: A Portrait of A.M. Klein |
Caplan, Usher
1982 |
Puffin Cove |
Carey, Neil G.
1982 |
Hancock House
Founders & Guardians: 74 Portraits |
Coucill, Irma
1982 |
John Wiley & Sons Canada
Making Do: A Prairie Memory Guide |
Cunningham, Dave
1982 |
Lone Pine Publishing
Villeneuve |
de la Plante, Allan
1982 |
Macmillan of Canada
The Making of a Socialist: The Recollections of T.C. Douglas |
Douglas, T.C.
1982 |
The University of Alberta Press
Genius at Work: Images of Alexander Graham Bell |
Eber, Dorothy Harley
1982 |
McClelland & Stewart
Eleven Exiles: Accounts of Loyalists of the American Revolution |
1982 |
Dundurn Press
Collected Works of Erasmus: Volume 6, The Correspondence of Erasmus, Letters 842 to 992, 1518 to 1519 |
Erasmus, Desiderius
1982 |
University of Toronto Press
Collected Works of Erasmus: Vol. 31, Adages Ii1 to Iv100 |
Erasmus, Desiderius
1982 |
University of Toronto Press
The Embroidered Tent: Five Gentlewomen in Early Canada; Elizabeth Simcoe, Catharine Parr Traill, Susanna Moodie, Anna Jameson, Lady Dufferin |
Fowler, Marian
1982 |
House of Anansi Press
Trailing Pythagorus |
Galt, George
1982 |
Quadrant Editions
Georgia: An Arctic Diary |
1982 |
The Hockey News Book of NHL Shooters |
Gilbert, John
1982 |
Methuen Publications
On the Canadian Prairie |
Giscard, Gaston
1982 |
Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina
Pursuit of Profit and Preferment in Colonial North America: John Bradstreet's Quest |
Godfrey, William G.
1982 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Profiles of Radical Reformers: Biographical Sketches from Thomas Muntzer to Paracelsus |
Goertz, Hans-Jurgen
1982 |
Herald Press
The Picturesque Prison: Evelyn Waugh and His Writing |
Heath, Jeffrey
1982 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
The Other Mrs. Diefenbaker |
Holt, Simma
1982 |
Doubleday Canada
Roses in December |
Howse, Ernest Marshall
1982 |
Wood Lake Books
Sailor-Scholar: Admiral Sir Herbert Richmond, 1871-1946 |
Hunt, Barry D.
1982 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Heaven and Hell in the NHL: Punch Imlach's Own Story |
Imlach, Punch
1982 |
McClelland & Stewart
Mr. 5BX: Canadian Fitness Pioneer; A Biography of William A.R. Orban |
Jackson, John J.
1982 |
Sono Nis Press